It started last Friday night when she started complaining of stomach pain. It was unusual of her to say that unless it is really painful. All 3 of us did not have a good night's rest that night. She kept complaining of stomach pain and later at 3am, she vomitted on the bed. After that, she slept through the night in the sarong. And both hubby and I had to sleep in the hall too as our bed was filled with vomit stench.
She was OK in general... meaning she still behave her normal naughty and mischievous self. Thank God she doesn't refuse milk, except that she refuses eating solids (rice or noodle) during meal times and she is currently still suffering from diarrhoe.
"Lord, I pray for little princess. Take away her stomach pain and diarrhoe and grant her good appetite for food as well as a healthy body. I pray for speedy recovery, in Jesus' name I pray - Amen!"