Showing posts with label baby sarah: month 7-9. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby sarah: month 7-9. Show all posts

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sarah has grown much slimmer now...

I think Sarah has really slimmed down a lot! And I meant... A LOT! Last night when I was changing her into her pyjamas, I realised how thin she has become... no more "tummy" already...

I felt a little sad when I saw her... she used to be so chubby, but like what some people says... the baby fats will eventually go. When she was 3-5 months old, I was afraid that she might be an obese as she grows up... :p but this time, seeing her baby fat actually decreasing more and more, I felt so sad...

When she got sick earlier last month, it kinda affected her weight a little. We cut her milk down from 6oz to 5oz as doctor says that should help to reduce the phlegm that she was having. We recently started her back on 6oz. Besides that, seeing her so active day and night, I guess that was her daily exercise routine that totally caused her to reduce more weight as the days past. (She totally beat me in my diet plan... *sigh*...)

My baby Sarah, you've totally grown to be a little girl... no more that chubby chubby little baby anymore... I pray that you will grow healthily all the days of your life. God bless you, my child. Grow to be the person you are to be! In Jesus' name I pray - Amen!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sarah's 1st haircut!

Last night, we saw Sarah in her new hairstyle! Hehehe... She looked soooo "handsome"! LOL!
When I carried her, I almost felt that I was carrying someone else! :p

I do miss her "messy" hair though... especially her front top which was very long. Well, will wait for her hair to grow long... and let mummy here make her look pretty! Hehehe...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

[+video] And into the container it go...

Last weekend, while giving a bath to our little girl, I decided to show her a little trick... putting a small rubber duckie into a cup (haha... a simple trick - yet it kinda amused her for awhile!). Immediately after that, she did the same to whatever thing she sees or gets her hand onto, for eg. putting a ball/small toys into the cup/container.

I read about baby milestones, and I think she is achieving another one! Thank You Lord for little Sarah's day-to-day development! :)

[+video] "Daddy..."

TQ CK for the video clip... :)

[+video] Drinking from the straw...

Our little Sarah had just learned to drink from the straw. She wasn't sure how to do it at first - thinking that the straw is just another teething toy :) After a few tries, she decided to suck it and discovered that she could actually drink water from it... thus causing her to choke a lil in that process. Sometimes, the water would spill out as I guess she hasn't learn to control the water intake as yet... so, keep it up, Sarah! :)

Hmm... Is this a toy, mummy? How to use it leh?

Ahhh... Suck! Suck! Suck... Fun leh.... :)

Monday, December 22, 2008

[+video] A day in Tesco...

Little Sarah's first time sitting on the trolley. She was excited!... but only for awhile (sigh...)

Hubby and I was contemplating whether to bring the stroller along, while doing some shopping... finally we decided, why not put her in the trolley and see how things go from there.

We experienced before having to carry her, push her stroller, and push a trolley at the same time in the supermarket! I guess many parents experience that before. Our babies just wanna be carried, and that could be a stress when time is a factor, plus having our hands full at that same time too!
We used to carry her along in a baby carrier like this... (pix on right taken when she was 3.5 months old)

...but time will tell when we can't carry her like this anymore as she grows bigger in a few more months. Well, few days ago we went Jusco IOI mall after visiting a "sick" friend in Puchong and thought of using this carrier again while doing some shopping. Thank God it still fits! Hahaha!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

While she was sleeping...

I was gazing at her beauty.... I was admiring her character (of never giving up!).... I reflected back the day when she was born when my gynae, Dr Tan, said that she was a "fierce baby" the moment he carried her. Well, he was definitely right about that. Sarah's a person with strong character as far as I can tell.

When she's hungry, it would mean "I'm hungry NOW! I wanna eat NOW!"
When she's sleepy, it would mean "Take me to bed NOW! Don't even think of feeding me or playing with me, cuz I'm tired and I'm sleepy! And I wanna sleep NOW!"
When she has something in her hands, it would mean "I'm not letting it go... it's MINE!"
She has never given up in all her ventures... so far. When she falls, she will pull herself up again. That's something I really admire in her character.

She was sound asleep at 10.30pm. It was almost an everyday habit that we hope to establish. No more using the sarong to make her sleep at night as we felt letting her play about on her own on the bed will eventually make her sleep within half an hour... and sometimes within 10-15 minutes, which is a great achievement, knowing her sleeping patterns since birth could be really stressful for us parents (and grandparents). But I thank God that things are much better now. She's growing well and it's in our daily prayer that God will continue to bless little Sarah with a healthy development of her body, mind, soul and spirit. It's also not easy for us parents to be role models to our children. Many times, very naturally, we let situations and emotions take over the better part of us. We pray that God will intervene in that as well so that hubby & I will be great parents and role models to our little girl.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Little Sarah's new car!

When Ah Ee saw my previous post about Sarah's "L" license, she immediately thought of buying little Sarah a car... quoting one of her SMS-es to me: "Gotten a so-called beauty 4 sarah.. it's only 4 a toughie like her can ride it. Haha... looks like a lil boy's tool le." Hehehe... indeed it is!

Sarah was so happy when she saw the car. Too bad we didn't manage to capture that look on her face but she was laughing and showing such joy seeing the new car! Hahaha... Thank you Ah Ee for the beauty! :)

Little Sarah & kor-kor Paul excitedly checking out the green beauty - car inspection?

Little Sarah riding on her green beauty... Yep, it was kinda too big for her and so her leg didn't touch the ground... she only use it to aid in her walking for now.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

[+video] NO, I'm NOT letting it go, but...

It's the part of her that only those at home can see.... and now, the www! hehehe... :)

Yes, this is the possessive nature of every human being... and it can start from as young as little babies! Well, one day when little Sarah grows up, she would need to learn to let go of certain things in life and react to the situation in a more positive way. Hehehe...

Yes, Sarah... Mummy's learning it too... slowly, but surely! :)

[+video] YES! She did it! (at Month 8+)

Amazing to daddy's eyes... amazing to mummy's eyes... amazing to everyone's eyes! 8-)

Daddy did it at 10 months old.... Mummy did it at 10 months old too! But she beat daddy & mummy and did it at 8 months!

YES, little Sarah added more steps to her walking venture! We're all so proud of her!

Thank you, CK (Pek-Pek), so so much to loan me your camera to capture this moment - It is definitely creating history in our Sarah's life journal! Oh... and thank you also for becoming the "facilitator" in her venture! :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth! (At Month 8+)

Another tooth is growing! It excites me to see little Sarah is cutting her 3rd tooth. She's definitely feeling uncomfortable at this stage. Her appetite for porridge dropped too! Poor girl... Well, the funny thing is.... her appetite for any other thing remained the same... except porridge. Hmmm...

Well, if all goes well, I guess she will have her 2 front (top) teeth for Christmas! Hehehe... :B

Little Sarah's first few steps (at Month 8+)

Last Friday, I saw little Sarah engaging into her walking adventure. She let her hands go and took 2-3 small steps forward before she fell to the ground, and almost every time she stands up, she will start clapping her hands. It was as though she knew she had achieved something and she clapped her hands to tell herself that she's doing well!

I believe in a matter of a few more weeks, she will start walking all by herself. Will continue to encourage my little girl. She's doing mummy and daddy proud... :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

On being sticky...

Little Sarah's been rather sticky to me these few days after my absence for 3 and half days of her life. Not sure whether she was actually afraid of me going MIA again... or just another phase of her growth and understanding of having mummy around or not... She was also behaving slightly different last Sunday in church towards people around her. She would normally allow all the aunties & uncles to carry her and play with her (without seeing mummy-la), but this time, she seemed to be looking for me at all times. Even daddy sometimes couldn't handle her. But then again, we thought maybe she was tired... maybe she was sleepy.

Last night when we went back to my in-law's house, little Sarah put on her sticky mode again and kept wanting me to carry her. She was alright at first when we put her in the high chair, but not long later she cried to be carried. We fed her with porridge... and even that, before finishing half the bowl, she was already crying to carried up. It wasn't like her at all to do that. Oh boy... I hope she doesn't get too attach to me. Anyway, the good part about all this is... she's pretty attach to daddy at night too - so that's a relief for me. At least daddy can help put girl to sleep if mummy's too tired by night.

Well, will update more about her development in days to come. I pray that she will grow up healthy and wise! God bless little Sarah!

Friday, November 28, 2008

[+video] Little Sarah's on the go (at a fast pace... literally!!)

I took this video of her a week before I went to PD... whenever I thought of her, I would play this video and laugh/smile to myself like "orang gila". Hehehe... She's such an active cutie pie! Love u so much, Sarah! Hope hubby don't get too jealous. Hehehe... Sshhhh.... :)

Friends in church who saw this video of her couldn't somehow believe that it is really the little girl who seems sooooo "goody-good" and quiet in church every week. Hahaha! They thought wrong! :) Most of the time she's a lil sleepy by the time we get to church on Sundays because I had to wake her up from her slumber, get her all dressed up and ready for church!

So.... TA-DA! Presenting to you.... my little princess! :)

[+video] I'm back!

Yes, I'm back! :D

But before I share a little about the convention, let me first share a little about the apple of my eye. I'm truly joyful beyond words to see her again and talking about hugging, kissing & squeezing... yes, i did all that already! Hehehe... I'm glad to hear also that she's been behaving well the past few days when I wasn't around. Hubby said she was naughtier with me around... hmmm.... He said that she was acting more "manja" too... She glued to me like a magnet during the night.... but I love that feeling, so... no complaints about that! Hehehe...

Let's see.... while I was away, she learned a new word... (sounds like "da-da" for "daddy"... maybe :))

Thank u, dada, for taking good care of girl in my absence. You're a great dada! Love u much! *muacks*

Thursday, November 20, 2008

[+video] "L" License for little Sarah (at Month 8)

Driving "test" with "instructor" korkor Ivan... Woaw.... slow down! slow down!

Driving test "1" - On the road... + stopping by petrol station???

Driving test "2" - Parking

Driving test "3" - Roundabout + "bang!!!"

MIL says... she's an "L" license driver... "belum pass tapi boleh jalan!" Hahaha... :D

Monday, November 17, 2008

[+video] Little Sarah's night activity...

Yes, daddy was sleeping soundly... and u can hear the clock ticking at the background... mummy here decided to take a short video clip of little Sarah's night activities. If she's not rocked to sleep in the sarong before putting her down to sleep on the bed, she'll be actively moving about on the bed until she gets tired on her own.

Sunday morning at 3am till 4+ was one of the longest night... even for me. And this morning... she was acting up like an owl again. This time it wasn't so bad because it was only about 12.30mn!

[+video] Leg exercise...

One of the activities that keep little Sarah busy in the car...