Monday, July 19, 2010

You & I deserve some "ME" time...

Taking care of you too!

Isn’t it just wonderful to have a little one to dote on? Yes, we know how being a parent can be one of the most rewarding experiences. But while it can be wonderful it does take a lot of patience and energy as well. And that is why we know how important it is to have some "ME" time.

Here are some suggestions for you to unwind and indulge in some "ME" time:

  1. Have "ME" time every morning. Try not to start with chores. Wake up just a little earlier than your little one & sit down to empty your mind of any thoughts. One good way is to put on soft instrumental music and just tune your mind into the music.
  2. Have "ME" time every week. Besides work (if you are a working parent) and home, it is always good to have a refreshing change of environment:
  • Take a walk in the park in the evening. This is probably one of the easier and relaxing activities for any parent. But this is simpler said than done as we know it also takes a bit of commitment to do even that. But list out the benefits and motivate yourself by doing it with a close friend.

  • How about window shopping? Yes, even that can be therapeutic for any person. Sometimes the idea of just getting out from the home and a change of environment can relax the mind.

  • Go out for a meal. Enjoy a good healthy and enjoyable weekend lunch or dinner, or on a day you find convenient in the week that you do not have to rush through.

Remember, you deserve some "ME" time! Of course our ideas can only work with the cooperation of your partner or with the help of close family members who don’t mind taking an hour or two to give you some "ME" time. So do share this article with your partner. After all, even your partner could do with some "ME" time as well!

Article taken from here

1 comment:

stephanie kok said...

I need my ME time...go massage..heehee