Monday, September 13, 2010

Ms Chatterbox

She sometimes bosses around with meaningful sentences... be it a request, a reply to a question or just a statement she makes very frequently.

Sentences she makes (which I can recall right now) include:

1. You cannot sit here! Dirty!

2. You cannot eat so many! Take one only!
- Oh yes, she loves making the "you can... you cannot..." sentences which makes her qualify to be a bossy lil gal :)

3. I want one only. Not too much!

4. Mummy, you take one. Sarah take sooooooooooooo many!

5. Mummy, see.... Can balance! (She said this while playing with her blocks)

6. Mummy, play with me!

7. Mummy, throw the ball to me!

8. Mummy, you see.... So messy already!

9. Don't open first ar?! Wait for me...

10. I don't want small-small one. I want big one!

She talks a lot and I really find it cute of her to say things that now really make sense! Her vocabulary of words increases with time. And now, she uses prepositions like the words "to", "with" and "for" accurately.

Sometimes I cant believe how time flies and that my once little baby has grown to be a talkative little toddler! And I know soon, I will have strings of "Y" questions to answer!


Tandanie said...

Ooo...the the milestone alright!
Maximus has no preposition or conjunction yet! So it's like "Mummy milk-milk car" (which he meant by he wants to drink milk while holding the car).
It's really cute to hear them pick up language

stephanie kok said...

heehee..she is like little teacher at home..