Monday, May 16, 2011

Blue moon arrived for.... KFC!

Last Saturday, after work, Sarah & I went to Jusco to have lunch and do some window shopping. I asked her the usual question, "What would you like to eat?"

Sarah : McDonalds!

Mummy : No...

Sarah : KFC?

Mummy : Hmmm... Yes, we'll be having KFC later for dinner. Daddy wants to eat with girl-girl and mummy later. OK?

Sarah : Oh... now KFC blue moon ar?

Mummy : Yes, but only later at night.

Sarah : Oh....

And so... we reached Jusco! We walked pass McD....

Sarah : Mummy, why so many people eating McDonalds? But it's yellow moon worrrr......

Mummy : Yes, but for us, we need to wait for blue moon then only we eat McDonalds OK?

Sarah : McDonalds yellow moon, KFC blue moon ar?

Mummy : Yes, girl... :)

Sarah : Oh....

Sometimes, kids at this age would repeat... and repeat... and repeat words after words. And of course mummy have to be a lil patient to listen, to explain, and sometimes to repeat.... and repeat... and repeat the same answers over and over again. Haha... Just something to go through when we have a kid like tht! :)

Read previous post on blue moon.

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