(From left to right) Dorcas and her little Rachel (10 m.o.), Sarah and her little En Qi (9 m.o.), MJ and her little Janson (the prince! 1+m.o.), Me and little Sarah (2+m.o.)... and Soo Pei (my sis-in-law) and her little Reanne (3+m.o.)
All of us new mothers have just celebrated Mother's Day for the first time this year, except for Soo Pei of course :) We're happy to have each other, sharing the joys and pains together as new Mums in church. Yep! 5 babies since August 2007 - May 2008. Talk about "being fruitful and multiply"! Hahaha!
Little Janson is the di-di. He has 4 cheh-chehs to bully him (or maybe the other way around! haha!) (Just kidding, JoMJ! :D)
Daniel, thank you for being our photographer! :)
ooo... BTW, noticed that most of us are bloggers too! If not us... it's our husbands! kakaka!
1,2,3 cheers! smile! I can see all the mummy are smilling :)
You are quick! well done!
Smile... Your welcome, and to all the mummies, happy mommy day, again.
hehe... to sleep.... or to blog? hahaha... guess what i chose! :p
thk u, dan! next round will be the fathers! :)
eh one of the girl is checking out Janson leh...
Truly multiplying! Beautiful picture to be cherish in time to come. Soon, the little one will not to 'little' anymore.
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