This photo was taken 10 days after the cat bite incident.
Well... what can i say.... the look of it seems eerie, ain't it?! i call it the Godzilla's eye! haha... OK, joke aside, it IS a deep wound indeed! i left it to dry and heal since 4-5 days ago. I feel better now, but walking up and down the stairs is still a struggle for me at times. I guess water retention + wound = slow healing, but thank God it is on the road to recovery.
Quoting from my friend, Sandy:-
"Walau eh!!! How's ur foot now?
Eh... how come the cat bite you? Your wound is so horrible!!!! Looks very deep!!! Must be very painful and itchy hor!!!"
Well, those were some concern remarks i got from some friends who heard what happened, and i owe them this story :)
Just some explanation on "how it happened"....
Had dinner with some church friends in a restaurant. It all happened when we finished our dinner (that was about 10+ pm) and while waiting for the durian man to serve us the durian fruit, which was supposedly our dessert. The restaurant ladies were clearing and cleaning the table beside us, when suddenly one of the ladies started screaming. There was a cat under the table and i think it "touched" her feet (or something like that... no idea whether she stepped on the cat's tail??! *duh*) and i think being afraid of cats, she screamed soooo loudly that it scared the cat as well!
It wasn't any of our business anyway, and so we, being nice customers, didn't panic or anything, sat where we were and suddenly the cat attacked! After the loud scream, the cat came over to our table (seeking for refuge - i think!). I didn't know all that until of course after the cat bite. Hubby was beside me and according to him, the cat was under our table and he wanted to shoo it away, when it suddenly bit him first and me, a second later. It all happened just too fast. Hubby got 2 minor bites because he was wearing shoes then, and i got the worst of it - 4 bites including 1 that was a puncture and some scratches made by the cat's sharp claws. So we went to the nearest clinic after that, got it treated and well.... you know the rest of the story....
I guess the cat was a tame one (like any other that we've seen, except for a minority of "kucing gila" or crazy cats..) until the lady screamed and scared the hell out of it! Since that second, it changed to a defensive mode, became fierce and did what it did. I cant totally blame the cat, or that frightened restaurant lady, or my protective husband, or the durian man :p, or the whole incident, or our wonderful aunt that invited us over for dinner...
Like the malay saying - "Malang tidak berbau"... We could never expect these things to happen, and of all people, it had to happen to ME - the pregnant one! :p
But sometimes, things happened for a reason. Sometimes we wonder why... and at other times, we also wonder, is it worth going through all these? There could be so many "if only(s)... "
"if only we didn't join them for the dinner...."
"if only we didn't sit that particular spot..."
"if only the lady didn't scream...."
"if only the durian van didn't pass by...."
... and the list of regrets goes on and on and on....
I do not have all the answers, but one thing's for sure... It is part of life and i know life has so much more to offer than regrets that bring misery to those who dwell in it.
I thank God firstly for being my Protector, for being there with me through it all, for giving me such strength to overcome the many weaknesses i have... for truly, His strength is made perfect in me!
I thank God for a husband who cares, who has been there for me in all my pains and struggles, who cleaned my wound everyday, who made sure that the bed is comfortable for me to sleep every night!
I thank God for Aunt Stephanie who loved us, insisted us - very reluctant guests - to come over for dinner and have fellowship, who wanted to bless us with a good meal, who've been sms-ing me everyday after that - asking me how's my leg :)!
I thank God for all my family and friends around me who cared and prayed for me and baby throughout this whole incident. Nothing matters more than your love and concern... love u all!
So, apart from being in pain, there is so much more to give thanks for because life itself is a gift!
Thank you, Lord for everything!
Ah, William guess correctly, indeed u stepped on the cat's tail. Normally, cat don't bite or attack people but if u step on their tail, they will attack coz pain mah...
William know coz he used to have ALOT of stray dogs n stray cats as his beloved fluffy pet.
err... i didn't step on the tail wo... i was just sitting innocently on my chair, waiting for the durian... and silas on the other hand, saw the cat and just wanna shoo it away, but didn't step tail.
the restaurant lady... i think she's afraid or just hate cats. really dont know, cuz they're all my guesses only.
Hehe... look likes alien's eye :-P
Hug hug...
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