Tuesday, June 17, 2008

[Knowledge: Baby] ECB4: FEEDING AND NUTRITION – How Long on Each Breast?

You should keep your baby on the breast for as long as he shows interest in sucking.

  1. If your baby continues to suck after your breasts have emptied, it may be that he is just enjoying the sensation; this is fine if it’s not making your breasts sore.

Comfort sucking – Most babies enjoy sucking on their mothers’ breasts for its own sake just as much as feeding. You will learn to tell the difference between actual feeding and comfort sucking

  1. When your baby has finished feeding from one breast, gently take him off your nipple and put him on to the other breast. He may not suck for so long on the second breast

  2. Alternate the first breast you offer at each feed

Note: Encourage intimacy by talking or singing to your baby while breastfeeding.


dorcas said...

good sharing!

richrach said...

thx, dorcas!
more coming up every week! :)