Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Literacy Workshop for Parents

Last Thursday, had ladies' day out with Marilyn & Paulla... err... well, actually it's ladies' day in (haha!) - in Segi College, that is. :)

It was quite a last minute invitation but it was hard to resist when seemed to me, this workshop would be really something that I, as a new parent, would need to know. Hubby on the other hand need to go back earlier to take care of Sarah, so he couldnt attend even though he wanted to.

I got permission from CEO to leave office earlier that day. Thank you, Elijah. :)

Many of those who attended were either parents or early-childhood educators - Paulla's one of them! I learn a lot through the teachings as well as through the sharing and questions from the attendees.

The workshop presenter, Carolyn Choo, has been actively involved in education for more than 20 years, sharing her passion for literacy and literature with preschoolers, college students, undergraduates and adult learners.... like me! Hehehe...

Well.... what do i learn from the workshop? I'd say.... It was good! It was worth going! Let me share with you as much as I possibly can remember... :p

How can we encourage our children to enjoy the printed words?

For a start.... do you know that books have sound and smell, which little children can hear and sense the smell? Interesting right? There are some things that even we adults have no idea of. Children, on the other hand, are very creative – young as they are, and their imagination will grow deeper and wider as we adults help them to understand the links between sounds and shapes of the alphabets, that make the words, that make the sentences.

How to make book experiences enjoyable for both child and parent?
Here are some guidelines :-
  • choose the right book (to connect with the children, we need to choose books that is suitable to the child’s development)

  • use expression as you read

  • point to pictures and label

  • have the child respond (ask questions to encourage the child to think. Link the story to the child)

  • have the child predict and link the book to life

  • have child supply sound effects while you read (interaction makes it MORE interesting!!!)

  • ask what sounds and smells might be in the story (ask the child what they can see, taste and smell… you cant get this on TV! Books stimulates the mind)

  • review and retell

  • a celebration of reading and of books but not a comprehension drill

In this workshop, we also went through the basic of the phonics tools, ie the "Letter-sound relationship". It was interesting. It brought me back to the days when i watched Sesame Street when i was a kid!

"c" - "a" - "t"...... "c" - "aaaat"...... "c" - "aat"........ "CAT"! Muaahahahhahaa! :D

Yep! That's how we should teach our child to read and not just memorizing letters or words. By this, even though the process might be slow, it will strengthen the foundation of literacy, and when they grow older, having this foundation will enable them to recognize all words.

So... firstly, train the child to hear the differences of SOUND - get to know the basic sounds of English (phonics). You can play games like "I spy with my eyes...", "Rhyme games" and "Songs & music & movement". If you have problems with phonics, do visit here
Remember this: Worksheets & workbooks are not for younger children. They need to move and use their senses!

train the child to see the differences of SHAPE - use everyday items (in the house) to bring shape awareness to the child. You can do pairing activities like putting labels on household products. Introduce alphabet shapes.

Finally, match the letters and sounds. Once they are familiar with the matching of letters and sounds, they can match almost any words with its pronunciation. Start with three letter words, and when the child's ready, you may introduce more word patterns.

So parents, it's time to enjoy literacy with your child! :)


dorcas said...

Thanks for sharing with us.

Did they give any participant manual?

richrach said...

It's not a manual. They only give the powerpoint notes.

Anonymous said...

really good...i learn from here...

CKChong said...

great tips and guidance. proper starting is important for the little young one. TQ teacher Rachel