Thursday, December 10, 2009


Exhausted!!! Sleepy!!!
You know why? I've been up since 3+ am this morning to complete my assignment which is due to be submitted this Saturday. Yeah, yeah... talk about being last minute expert here. :p
Two nights ago, or rather yesterday in the wee hours in the morning only that I was able to lay my head to rest at 4am... woke up then at 5.30 to get ready to carpool with my colleagues for training in Shah Alam. Of course we didn't want to get caught in the jam so we left our area by 6.30am. I was basically there for teachers' training for three days in a row. I reached home on 1st day at 8.45pm (terrible jam due to rain!), 2nd day at 7.40pm and last night at 8.10pm. No, I did not miss a single bit of the traffic jam along federal highway. Gone were the days when I had to travel every day in the jam... really a waste of time. Nothing seemed to improve. Sigh...
OK OK... so back to this... I'm so very exhausted and sleepy right now... but I have to get ready soon to go to work... Thank God I'm at least 80% done in my assignment and tomorrow is a holiday for Selangor 'cuz it's Sultan of Selangor's birthday! Yippie!!! I'll probably able to catch some sleep that I lost later tonight or tomorrow! And for that, I'm giving you a BIG BIG SMILE! :D
T.G.T.H! Thank God Tomorrow's a Holiday! :D

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