Friday, May 28, 2010

Priority... to blog or not?

Well well well.... looks like i'm pretty bad bad bad with keeping my words, ie to get myself back into blogging all my life's updates! :p And time is just ticking! It will be yet again another busy moment that is to study for my coming exams which is about 2 weeks from now! And I need to cover as much as I possibly can.

Nowadays, I dont wake up as early as I planned to... 4.30am? to blog?! dont know why... guessed that my mind just tells my body that there is nothing "urgent" to do... no deadlines!, and so, the body should just stay asleep till later, and I've been doing that literally.
However, today is a public holiday... and I'm taking some time off to blog :D I'm supposed to be taking my afternoon nap since lil Sarah is taking hers... and so are the rest in the family. Sigh... so torn in between... cuz my room is in dire need of some tidying as well! So, what's priority? Hmm... *think think think*
OK... Have decided to tidy up my room after this post! Here's me making some noise in my blog, but apart from this, I think I really need to postpone this blogging activity till I'm done with my earlier plan in tidying up my room. Adios for now!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Blogging.... and the list goes on.... and on... and on....

And so...... it's honeymoon week for me before I start burning the midnight oil again to study for my coming exams. And I have a list of things to blog about during this time... let's see....

1. Sarah's 2 year-old birthday celebration

2. Sarah's developmental milestones... tonnes of them!

3. My assignments since Sem 1 (including all the photos of my assignments & projects! hehe...).... hmm... now gonna finish Sem 2 oredi!

4. My exam results :p

5. My school's field trip to the Zoo - Butterfly Garden

6. My recent outing with other principals to horse riding club in Demai Alam

7. Pix during my last day with my lecturer

8. Sarah's potty-training journey

9. Mother's day in Ikea

10. And of course... my life's journey here & there.... and whatever that comes!

After this, i will have some stuff to blog about my weekend... woaw! this list is not gonna end ler... :p

I've actually planned to wake up earlier every morning to blog a little bit or at least sort the photos that are piling up in the computer! So much to do indeed! But then... the body is just resisting that wake-up call... hope to do so sooner or later though :p
OK-la... that's all for now... catch up soon!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I'm DONE! Yippie!

Yey! I have officially completed my assignments at 6.25am.... Now, preparing to print. :)

After that, I can lepak awhile before I head off for classes! So happy! Du-du-du!

[UM] Last Day... & Music Practical

I'm up at 4.10 this morning to complete my final assignment for the semester... YIPPIE! Today's my last class for the semester, after which I have to get prepared for the written exams in June.
Today is also my music practical assessment. That means, solo singing and for group assg, it's percussion presentation & movement presentation. Gotta go for class earlier later to practice with the group... yet another long day for me today! Pray for me and wish me the best! :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

[REAL] Field Trip to Butterfly Garden - Part 1

And so.... here's ME.... during my school's field trip to the Butterfly Garden in Zoo Negara last Friday!

I've many more pix to post, but wait till after this Saturday... hehehe... :)

Sarah's ONE BIG TOY! :)

Last Sunday, gwamma gave Sarah her "big toy"... all the way from China! Yeah, literally... Gwamma & Unc David went to China for a holiday and gwamma bought this big fella for Sarah. Hehe... it's really very cute! Check this out...

Check out previous post about ONE BIG TOY!


I was up since 4am this morning but was reading my bloggy pal's blog posts and looking at pix in FB since then.... oh boy.... now, i'm back to focusing on the right subject, ie finishing up my final assignment for the semester. Yippie!
After this, I will take some time to update my blog (before I get busy again with studying for my exams in June). I'm still owing it lots of stories and pix...
OK-la... time to complete my assignment!
In the meantime... Here's wishing all mothers a very Happy Mother's Day! Have a nice weekend to all of you! Remember to treat your mummies & mummies of your kids well, ya?! :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

[Article] Lack of Sleep Linked to Early Death

I've been having only about an average of 5-6 hours of sleep daily. Nowadays... ever since my busy moments of assignments, I wake up at 4+. My alarm would trigger at 4am... If too tired, I'll keep snoozing till about 5.30am :p, but that would mean a maximum of 6 hours of sleep a day. When work or studies call, sometimes I've got no choice... and when I look at hubby and lil Sarah sound asleep, am a lil envious actually. However, it's kinda routine now to wake up earlier. If not, it feels like I'm missing something... hmm... but now, reading this article make me think twice about having that lack of sleep... :/

Lack of sleep linked to early death: study
Wed May 5, 9:44 am ET

Article taken from yahoo news.

LONDON (AFP) – People who get less than six hours sleep per night have an increased risk of dying prematurely, researchers said on Wednesday.

Those who slumbered for less than that amount of time were 12 percent more likely to die early, though researchers also found a link between sleeping more than nine hours and premature death.

"If you sleep little, you can develop diabetes, obesity, hypertension and high cholesterol," Francesco Cappuccio, who led research on the subject at Britain's University of Warwick, told AFP.

The study, conducted with the Federico II University in Naples, Italy, aggregated decade-long studies from around the world involving more than 1.3 million people and found "unequivocal evidence of the direct link" between lack of sleep and premature death.

"We think that the relation between little sleep and illness is due to a series of hormonal and metabolical mechanisms," Cappuccio said.

The findings of the study were published in the Sleep journal.

Cappuccio believes the duration of sleep is a public health issue and should be considered as a behavioural risk factor by doctors.

Society pushes us to sleep less and less," Cappuccio said, adding that about 20 percent of the population in the United States and Britain sleeps less than five hours.

Sleeping less than six hours is "more common amongst full-time workers, suggesting that it may be due to societal pressures for longer working hours and more shift work"

The study also found a link between sleeping more than nine hours per night and premature death, but Cappuccio said oversleeping is more likely to be an effect of illness, rather than a cause.

"Doctors never ask how much one sleeps, but that could be an indicator that something is wrong," said Cappuccio, who heads the Sleep, Health and Society Programme at the University of Warwick.

Research showed no adverse effects for those sleeping between six and eight hours per day.