Friday, July 6, 2012

My 24 hours....

This is now my 8th post for the year… hahaha! And I thought that with internet at home, the number of posts will increase tremendously… BUT… it didn’t happen… what could be the reason?

Hmmm….. Busy? That’s not really a good reason though. I’m not always busy. I think I’ve mentioned this before… YET, there seem to be no time…  :p

Sigh…. Let’s just dissect the situation… I have, like everyone else, 24 hours a day…

Starting from the moment I wake up, get self and Sarah ready + travelling time to school & work + work work work + travelling back home = 13 hours;   
get dinner ready + eat + rest + bathe = 2 hours; 
sleep = 7 hours; 
miscellaneous (includes FBing, watching TV, reading, drawing, playing & leisure time with Sarah) = 2 hours…

YEP! So there goes my 24 hours every day!

There's just so little time every day... and every single second counts where spending time with our loved ones matters most. Yes, please cherish every moment you have with your spouse, children, your parents, your siblings, your relatives, your friends... and make time to pen precious moments down. Uhuh... am talking to myself here... hehe. A blogger's gotta do what a blogger's gotta do! 

So again, here I am saying... Do tune in to hear more from me, ya?! It's all about Life!

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