Tuesday, April 29, 2008

ang-goo-goo :)

27th April 2008 marks the day when little Sarah started becoming more responsive towards people/things around her :)

She's more awake now than before and able to so-called communicate her interest with others, ie especially in playing baby talk - not sure what they really mean but as long as she's happy, why not join her?! hehe... She responded to me talking baby talk with her during bath times, changing diaper times, and many other times, which is really a good thing so as to distract her from feeling alienated and cry. She seemed to be able to focus her eyes more now on objects and people. That's really fun especially when she stuck out her tongue, mimicking her mummy! hahaha!

It's truly a joy to see the development of little Sarah from the day of birth until now. Surely, there is more to come and i'm excited to see her grow little by little everyday.

Babies are indeed a wonderful and an amazing gift from God. He knows what's perfect and He gives what's perfect. That's our GOD! All glory be to Him! :)

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