Tuesday, April 29, 2008

[Knowledge: Baby] The newborn traits

From the moment of birth, baby boys and girls will show different behavioural traits, which is interesting to know. It's all about the genes that they carry in them since the time of conception. Here are some behavioural traits that are typical of girls and boys (taken from a book i read - Complete Baby & Childcare by Dr Miriam Stoppard):-

Your Newborn Girl
1. Hearing in girls is very acute and they can be calmed down with soothing words much more readily than boys.
2. A baby girl cries longer than a boy if she hears another baby crying.
3. Baby girls use their own voice to get their mother's attention earlier and more often than boys.
4. Baby girls can locate the source of a sound without difficulty.
5. Girls respond enthusiastically to visual stimulation from birth.
6. Baby girls are interested in the unusual.
7. Girls prefer the human face to almost anything else. Later in life, this trait shows as intuitive reading of facial expression regardless of cultural differences.

Your Newborn Boy
1. Hearing in boys is less acute than in girls, so boys are more difficult to calm down.
2. If a newborn boy hears another baby cry, he'll join in but stop crying quite quickly.
3. Baby boys don't make sounds in answer to their mother's voice earlier on. This hearing response lasts throughout life.
4. Newborn boys have difficulty in locating the source of sounds.
5. Baby boys require more visual stimulation than girls. They quickly lose interest in a design or picture, and lag behind girls in visual maturity up to the age of seven months.
6. Baby boys are interested in the differences between things.
7. Boys are more active, and are interested in things just as much as in people.
8. Boys want to taste everything, touch everything, and move things about more than girls.

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