Sunday, June 27, 2010

After my 2nd term exams....

Just a short update.... my exams are over (phew!) A relief because I can now have some peaceful sleep... Was quite exhausted after the exams due to not enough rest. Well, it's not that I've been up studying all night, but my mind was not rested. I couldnt fully focus on studying as I shared before. So, anyway, my exhaustion resulted in me catching the common cold last week. Had to be on MC on Thursday and thank God by Friday I'm really getting better.

Yesterday I was able to eat durians too! Thanks to my in-laws! Hehehe.... And my body was craving for junk foods, and I did have a share of that as well :p

How was my exams? I guess it was good for me as I think I was able to "kelentong" well in my essay questions. My only hope is that I did not go "way off" from the question. "Kelentong" power is the key to success! Hahahaha! I guess blogging helps in shaping this skill. :)

One weekend off and after that, next Saturday, my first class for the 3rd semester starts. Oh, what a drag! OK-la... would really love to update more about my life, but as for now, I really need to get ready for church! Have a pleasant Sunday!

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