Friday, February 25, 2011

"I want means I want!"

Sarah : I want!

Mummy : No!

Sarah : I say I want!

Mummy : No!

Sarah : I say I want means I want means I want!!!

Yes, sometimes I have to go through this kind of conversation with my little girl. And sometimes I (and daddy too!) can be shouting at her at the top of my lungs! Can you imagine my day with this girl? That's only few hours at night. How about Yeh-Yeh & Nai-Nai with her during the longer hours of the day? Hmmm... Nai-Nai says she behaves worst when mummy is around. (Sigh...) She'll be following me to school one day to join the playgroup. I sure hope and pray that things will get better!


Tandanie said...

They just know who to bully...that's the conclusion.

blu4sky said...

hello friend,
later go to my kitchen ok..
if is the add