Thursday, February 24, 2011

On being obsessed with PINK!

Not too sure whether to be worried of this... but my girl is really really obsessed with the colour PINK!

There were times when she just refused to wear any other colour pajamas except her pink colour one and I will just get so mad at her that I put her pink pj aside and lied to her that her pink pj is in the washing machine (just to get her to wear other pjs!)

She loves the colour pink and I dont think there is anything wrong with it. In fact, I am so happy to know that my lil girl is a decision maker and I am truly proud of her. She knows what she wants and she knows what she likes and there seem not a shadow of doubt from her about it too.

It's just that... sometimes, it just feels a lil "too much". Sometimes I feel so "stress" about it. Why? Because her other clothes were abandoned and seemed so "wasteful". Well, that's just about clothes.... but you aint seen it all yet! She's just obsessed over PINK that everything she owns has to be pink. Well, I cant deny that sometimes I too gave in to her "wants". sigh...

I got her a dress this evening... and because it is not pink (according to daddy), she rejected it. My heart a bit broken la, but... what to do?! I thought it was a sweet and pretty-looking dress and probably perfect to be worn for her coming birthday. Well, it has some pink elements on it, but it's not like a really pink dress. Hmmm... I guess I have to learn my lesson. Looks like I cant make her like what I like. As a child, she has every right to decide what she likes and what she doesn't. I can, to some extent, make some decisions for her and guide her to make the right decisions too, but in understanding her (as an individual), I know she has some very important rights that I must respect! So, OK... looks like more pinky stuffs are coming her way... (of course I will also teach her the beauty of all the colours so she will accept them too! :))

1 comment:

Tandanie said...

Rachel, nothing to worry about her obsession and she will soon get over it when she finds something else.
Of course you can't make her to accept what you like!
It reminded me of Maximus who always want to wear his Thomas and friends I got him the underwear instead.