Friday, April 15, 2011

Just writing for writing sake... :p

It has been about 1 and half months since I really shared about my life. I wouldn't dare say that I've been busy because I actually do have my own personal time as well, which I chose to do other things than to blog.

Why did I stop writing? In all honesty, I am a little lazy... especially when I do not need to wake up early to do my assignments now that I've completed my studies. I chose the extra time to sleep a little bit more. And sometimes, I just lost for words... to blog something which is deep and part of my life depends a lot (or mostly) on my emotions and my thoughts at that particular time. Sort of... no inspiration, then... just too bad-lah! :P

As I am writing this, I am actually suffering a little bit of a headache, and thought that blogging would just be the "cure" for now... maybe a bowl of cendol later too! kekeke....

No inspiration whatsoever, so I wont be writing anything "heavy", but just writing something to get my blog "alive" a lil. There are tonnes of folders of photos for me to filter and tell stories from (well, of course, mainly about my little princess), but sometimes procrastination wins the battle, sadly to say.

So anyways, "HI" to all my friends! Wish everyone a great weekend ahead and also great weeks and months ahead! :)