Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sarah, the online game player

Sarah : Mummy, can i play barbie doll game? the one can change dress one? got hairband one, got bag one, and can change shoes one, got high shoe one and sports shoe one.... got sooooooooooooo many things one.... also can spin, and dance one? can or not, mummy?

Mummy : No, I must finish my work.

Sarah : Mummy, I good girl.... can i play or not?

Mummy : I said "No!" You rest a little while first. Mummy wants to do work.

And Sarah being Sarah.... being sooooooooooooooo persistent made mummy here angry and shouted at her to stop. :p
She cried a little while before she continued her act of persuasion.
She walked around me and said....

Sarah : Mummy I want to play game? Please? Can or not?

... while singing some nursery rhymes..... To Market To Market.... followed by Mary Mary Quite Contrary.... then followed by Row Row Row Your Boat.... Hickory Dickory Dock.... Three Blind Mice.... and then back to our conversation....

Sarah : Mummy "Three Blind Mice" is what? Huh, mummy? It's what? Mummy?

Well.... I just kept quiet all the while... hehehe... this mummy ar! I was actually blogging all these down while she talks.... :p

OK-la... i think she's been really a good girl.... so, the reward is... she can now play her Barbie doll game which she's been waiting for.

Well, this is the online game she plays...

... and the one with the "change clothes one" is....
hmmm.... maybe not.... how about....

Sarah : Why cannot find one?

............ ok, u know what? looks like as per this blog post, there were some changes made in the website. We couldnt find the page that she likes.... ie the "changing clothes one". So, she has to look for other favourites. Poor girl... :/

Actually... there are lots of free online games for kids, and even Barbie doll games are not just any games. They consists of matching games, sorting games, and lots more. It does educate the child, but of course, as parents, we must minimize the time for playing. Thus, the child learns to "wait", learns about following house rules as well as getting rewards when they behave well.


joshua said...

Kids are persistent.

That's why Jesus said, 'Be like the little children...'

blu4sky said...

hahahah... something just sound familiar.. aisyah says the same thing..can i play barbie game..please please please...

Tandanie said...

Yes, They are really persistent and sometimes can really say it like a 100times...
Maximus will say "I want to watch kor-kor play Thomas and friends." (that means - You Tube kids playing with the Thomas and friends toys).