Saturday, April 30, 2011

A beautiful morning at school....

Today is Saturday and I am on duty again at my centre. Sometimes, I'll bring Sarah with me and she'll be spending half her day on her own - playing "masak-masak", puzzles, doing writing, drawing, cutting & pasting, etc etc...

Well, she was exceptionally in her best behaviour this morning! I was at the office and she was just beside me in the Playgroup room. After an hour plus, she was still playing on her own (of course, after toilet break & biscuit break in between time). She tidied up her kitchen first before she started playing puzzles. Very quietly, I took some pictures of her playing puzzles and I was just thinking to myself how blessed I am to have this little princess as my dear daughter... an apple of my eye indeed.

Once finished, she ran to the office to show me the completed 40-pcs puzzle.
Well done, Sarah! :)

1 comment:

blu4sky said...

well done sarah..