Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Is my life balanced?

At lunch break today, just thought of doing something different. Haha! Guess what I did?! I went to iVillage website and took a quiz! :p (like nothing else better to do.. hehehe...) And so while having my lunch, I answered some questions about "Is your life balanced?" :)

This is the result that I get...
"You are one of those rare adults with a firm grasp on her priorities. Even though you put others first, you are fluent in the subtle art of compromise and know exactly when to cut yourself some slack. Since you already know how important it is to make time for yourself, the only thing left for you to do is find is the key to actually getting those solitary moments."

Hehehe... So, am i living a balanced life? And how about you? It's time to reflect, dudes!

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