Thursday, April 9, 2009

Our little girl is jealous!

Jealous? Possessive? Well... it's a trait that we saw in our little girl, and really... we wondered whether to be worried about it or to laugh at it and settle it later in the future! :p

Once upon a night at bedtime, I was lying near daddy and upon seeing that, Sarah quickly with all her greatest ability came in between both daddy & mummy. We then learned that she was probably unhappy seeing daddy & mummy so close together. OK... we got the hint! We tried again on several nights to "check on her current trait". Lo & behold, we found out that she was totally jealous when mummy is being "shared" with daddy! It was funny at the same time when we did this "test". First, she would make a sound implying that she doesn't like mummy & daddy to be close together. Actually that would be her first attempt to show her feelings and when that failed, she would then come closer to push daddy aside - far from mummy if possible! When that failed too, as we tried to "glue" ourselves together to further "test" her, she would then squeeze her way through so that she could have mummy all to herself!

WOW! Determine indeed, but yes, she has a strong character in that. She's already taking ownership at such a young age! Hmm... praying that it will be her strength when she grows up. There's a lot of good in being determine & possessive when they are used wisely.

Pray... pray... pray...

Well, if you ask us what do we do after the test? We distract her attention a little bit by asking her to hug daddy instead, and "mashi-mashi" (which is her little mashimaro bolster) and we continued to play with her a little while more before saying "Night! Night!"


Sheela said...

Yes Yes,Dear Lord please make Little Sarah to grow up to be a strong woman of God with lots of confidence..Amen..:P (aunty sheela luvs the jealous part kehkeh)

CHRIS ONG said...

haha, when Jordie was 2-3 years old, he used to cry when we hugged each other and my hubby wasn't even allowed to stroke my hair.

d'Lion said...

We faced the same situation with Andrea. Now it is not so bad.

Chinneeq said...

Hi Rachel, thanks for dropping by. Do drop by more often :)

geee...prob get close together more often so that your lil girl will get used to see the passion between u and hubby. it will become common, like western practice :)