Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Just very briefly saying that life's been pretty busy for me lately....

There's gonna be lotsa new changes & challenges ahead of me... I guess time will only tell when I'll be updating this blog little by little about the changes & challenges that I'm facing & will be facing in the near future. As of now, it only remains in my "personal organizer" in my head & laptop! :p

I've also been "speaking in tongues" more than usual the past few days. What's speaking in tongues? Well, I wont go into details about that for now... basically, I was disturbed in my spirit. Ain't sure why. That's for God to know & for me to find out I guess. As i recall, it first happened while I was editing a short clip on Passion of Christ for Good Friday sermon. It was a simple clip, yet very difficult for me to go through the process of watching my Lord being crucified. I felt as though I was crucifying Him over & over when I was editing it. Anyway, it started then... and it continued almost everyday when I speak in tongues more than usual. Before I go to bed, in the toilet, at work, etc... Even today, 3 songs came to me one after another. Oh, God... tell me what's happening.

I had a short chat with my colleague about this and she said...

"Something has touched you, the Holy Spirit is stirring something within you... because it is spiritual, ur mind presently may not be able to comprehend it.
Praying in tongues will not allow your mind to stop or hinder that... so, just keep praying. The understanding will come later if it's to do with u/ur ministry..."

Will continue to pray... O Lord, show me Your ways... in Jesus' name i pray - AMEN!

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