Thursday, December 4, 2008


Rhinorrhea, commonly known as a runny nose, consists of an unusually significant amount of nasal discharge. It is a symptom of the common cold and of allergies (hay fever). The term comes from the Greek words "rhinos" meaning "of the nose" and "rhoia" meaning "a flowing."

Taken from wikipedia.

Yep.... my nose is running as I am typing this. (sob! sob!)
2 days ago, I got a sore throat (immediately after eating a couple of biscuits!). I blamed the biscuits for causing me such pain especially yesterday when I woke up in the morning. It was my first experience getting a sore throat after munching some biscuits... as what DanLion says, "u better blog about this, say what biscuit so that the whole world will know about this dangerous biscuit!" Hahaha... that's our DanLion! :)

I shared this with Becca last night and she said it happened to her before and therefore she tries avoiding biscuits whenever possible (there goes the biscuit industry! :p)! Hmm... actually this is interesting. I never knew that my throat can get hurt by eating biscuits... my first experience... and that's why i am blogging about it! Hehehe... Becca said that one of the reason my throat got sore was because I probably had it already - just that the biscuit kinda triggered it further. Eeeks! Can't blame the biscuit fully then... I guess it was due to tiredness over the weekend. Plus, having a long day yesterday (you can read it in Danlion's blog). We had to rush back to VVC for music practice after the AV setup in Pavilion. Another long day, and that's why somebody was also very tired this morning! So last night on the way back, i got hit by rhinorrhea. So, yes.... i got the whole package (minus the cough!)

People around me, better beware!
Drink lots of water, wahlup VitCs, wear face mask if possible, etc etc... :p


d'Lion said...

Drink water, take vit c, get lots of rest and sleep

d'Lion said...

Rhinorrhea - Rhinoceros with a bad case of diarrhea.