Tuesday, June 2, 2009

3-syllables words (at Month 14+)

but-ter-fly.... cro-co-dile... hand-ker-chief... ex-cuse-me (2+1)...

These are some words that Sarah learned recently. Pronunciation is yet to be perfected but the sound is almost there. They sound like these....

but-ter-paii.... cor-cor-daii... hand-ker-chii... eh-mii-mii... (kids her age has a lil difficulty pronouncing the "F's" and the "S'es". For eg.... In the begining, "nose" will be pronounced as "no"... but they'll catch up in pronouncing them correctly in no time!)

Last Saturday morning, she caught me by surprise when she held her hanky and told me, "hand-ker-chii..."! We do speak to her very often and introduce new words to her every now and then. At first, we started off with 1-syllable words (they are most often-used words... some are baby lingo! :))... and then up the vocab ladder by introducing 2-syllables words... so recently, we went up another step. Amazing how kids - young as they are - are able to remember words, even long long words!

Personally, as a parent, it's exciting to watch Sarah grow and develop so finely everyday. It wasn't something that I or hubby make her to do... unless sometimes we want to do a recording of her :p. Well, it's just a routine of speeches and playtime! It's amazing how the little one's brain absorbs from the simplest things to the almost-so-complicated things around her. Well, she had fun and we had fun too! I believe that's the most important part of being a family - learning things together and having fun together! :)

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