Thursday, June 4, 2009

Down with flu... again! :(

Please pray for Sarah for speedy recovery.

She has gotten the flu again this week... she had flu 2 weeks ago from me, but she recovered pretty fast then. This week, there is another round of flu, that comes with a slight fever. Daddy brought her to see the doctor last night.

It's sad to see her consuming so much medication at such young age. She seem to prone to getting flu. It started with cough, then blocked nose, and then the whole package with fever. :(

Her nose is pretty sensitive to dust as well... so on one hand, we need to pray for continuous health upon our little one, and on the other hand, we need to clean our rooms and house often so that the dust wont get to her... Lord, please heal our baby, in Jesus' name - AMEN!

1 comment:

Tandanie said...

Amen...(Me just saying amen to yr prayer)
Don't worry... soon her body immune system will get used to the flu/cold virus. Her antibody will fight it well too...
I know it's hard to see our lil ones get sick but prayer is the best coverage ya...