Friday, September 18, 2009

Baby Sarah's Weight & Height - Month 18

After almost 4 months "break" from the visit to the doctor to get Sarah's vaccination done, we thought she would have so-called forgotten about the "agony" she went through when she got her jabs.
Well, we thought wrong! During the last visit, she cried only when she saw the needle. This time, she held me so tightly and cried her lungs out the moment she saw the doctor. In fact, when the doctor's room door was open, she ran away. So, I had to "catch her" and carry her in. She cried when the doctor and nurse wanted to get the measurement of her height & head circumference. She just wouldnt stay still and with all her might, she tried to free herself from being held. Well, she must have really hated the doctor. In fact, she doesnt like any doctor at all. Everytime we visit a doctor when she's not well, she would cry and just wanted us to get out of there a.s.a.p!
OK... so finally she got her 1st boosterTriple/Hib/Polio jab. It took daddy, mummy and the nurse to really pin her down so that the doctor could quickly jab her and get it done. So, yes... because she was really crying her lungs out, doctor gave her more free gifts. Hahaha... I guess, normally the doctor would just give some sachets of milk powder samples to his patients but this time, doctor gave Sarah a free bag from Huggies as well so to cool her down. She immediately stopped crying when she got those freebies in her hands.
Month 18 (15 September 2009)
Weight=11.5kg (+0.61kg)
Height=85cm (+6cm)
Head circumference=45.4cm (+0.9cm)

1 comment:

Tandanie said...

Haha... tht's her phobia huh!
I think Maximus is as heavy as Sarah