Tuesday, November 4, 2008

[Knowledge: Baby] Playtime for Babies - Month 7

At week 25:
Introduce your baby to the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" song. While he faces you, sing the song and follow the finger play:

"The itsy bitsy spider went up the waterspout (walk your fingers up his tummy)
Down came the rain (tap your fingers lightly on his chest)
And washed the spider out (wave your hands in front of his face)
Up came the sun (form a circle with your hands and move it upward)
And dried up all the rain (tap your fingers lightly on his chest, as before)"

At week 26:
You can reinforce your baby's growing understanding of cause and effect while she's in the bathtub. Show her that a cup can be filled with water and then emptied, and then demonstrate how several small cups can be filled from one bigger one. Once she's hooked on this activity, you may have a budding chemist on your hands!

At week 27:
Introduce your baby to the "Sooo Big" game. Sit facing each other, holding hands. Ask him, "How big is baby?" Then, take his arms and extend them out to each side and say, "Sooo big!" He'll be thrilled to play this game over and over and will progress to putting his arms out on his own before you know it.

At week 28:
Play "Pop Goes the Weasel." Sit your baby on your lap and sing:

"All around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel
The monkey thought it was all in fun... pop goes the weasel!"

Throughout the song rock your little one back and forth, and when you reach the end, bounce her gently on the word "pop." You can also try this holding your baby all the way up, if she can support some of her weight on her legs.

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