Tuesday, November 4, 2008

[Knowledge: Baby] Playtime for Babies - Month 8

At week 29:
Get together with other parents who have babies the same age as yours and arrange a toy swap. If you belong to a playgroup, you already have the perfect setup for a trade. Your baby will love exploring and playing with new toys - and they won't cost you a penny, or a trip to the toy store.

At week 30:
Help your baby develop her newly acquired sitting skill. Sit on the floor to play games and talk with her. (Hint: Place pillows around her in case she goes over.) Roll a ball back and forth between the two of you and, when you need a break, let her bang pots and pans together. Ah, the sweet clamor of child's play!

At week 31:
Set up an obstacle course so your baby can test his mobility skills. Try a couple of pillows from the couch, an empty cereal box, a paper-towel tube and a few stuffed animals. If he becomes frustrated or stuck, gently help him along.

At week 32:
Help your baby develop her abilities. Place a toy just out of her reach and let her try to get it. She may become frustrated when she can't quite reach it. Let her keep trying. Succeeding at this game will help her build confidence.

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