Monday, November 10, 2008

Spirulina benefits... in short! :)

During a conversation with hubby...

Me: Do u know what's the benefit of spirulina?

He: Err... don't know...

Me: You didn't read about it in my blog?

He: No....

Me: Why not?!!

He: Article's too long ler..... so what's the benefit???

I cant blame him for his replies... because I'll say the same too! Hehe... if you ask me again about the benefits, I would have to think and think and think and finally come up with a reply that goes like this: All I know is... it's good... so just eat it!!! :p

OK OK... and so for this reason and for the benefit of those who may have thought like us... here's a summary on the benefits of spirulina...

1. High source of protein - 12-15 times more protein than steak and is 5 times easier to digest than meat or soy protein
2. Vitamin B12 - an excellent addition to the vegetarian diet!
3. Vitamin A & Vitamin E
4. Health-enhancing amino acids
5. Gamma-lioleic acid (GLA) - a fatty acid that promotes cardiovascular health
6. Chelated forms of potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus and iron
7. Chlorophyll (green) and phycocyanin (blue) pigments - proven to help detoxify the liver
8. Best known for its ability to boost the immune system, and research indicates it may even help both treat and prevent cancer.
9. Stimulates the natural killer (NK) cells that fight illness and attack and kill cancerous cells.

So, in other words, we can summarize the benefits of spirulina with just 3 words:
(hehe... clear enough?! :))

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