Monday, November 3, 2008

My birthday DAY :)

My birthday started off with many warm wishes through SMS-es and Facebook greetings. Thanks to my family, relatives and friends for all the great wishes! :)

We had breakfast at a nearby mamak restaurant... came afternoon, we got ourselves ready to celebrate the rest of the day. The plan, besides celebrating my birthday, was to bring our little Sarah to see a little bit more of the "world" outside. :)

It was either.... Bird Park... or Butterfly Park.... heh heh... but in the end, hubby and i decided for a "livelier" adventure... the Aquaria in KLCC! Thanks to Steff that we made this decision (if u're reading this.. thank u for introducing us to this! hehe...). I read about it in her website and told hubby about it. We thought perhaps it would be a good idea to get little Sarah (and ourselves) exposed to the underwater world! :)

We went to the Underwater World in Langkawi many years ago... this wa
s sooooooooooo much better than that... much well-maintained, much better looking... even though it may not have that many aquatic animals as I thought it would have. So guys, if you wanna consider a place for family outing or educational trip for kids (and adults too!), this is one of it!

Entrance fee is RM28/adult and RM22/children (For Malaysian citizens)
RM38/adult and RM26/children (For non-Malaysian citizens)
RM18/Senior citizens (60 and above)

Parking is RM6 per entry. Considered very cheap for KL parking :)

On the way to KLCC... Little Sarah looks tired...

... trying to reach out... for... the... camera... but.... zzzzzzzzz.....
She took a quick nap before reaching our destination.

Our destination: Aquaria
Here are some fishes....

... piranha, tortoise and some amphibians...

... hmm... looks like it's not just a place for aquatic animals!
Well, there are actually quite a number of reptiles here... and little Sarah's checkin' out on the lil' crocodile...

...and more reptiles...
hmm... are we really in Aquaria???!

An Iranian tourist couldn't resist for a picture to be taken with little Sarah...
... and Sarah was captivated by the fishes... that was nice to see... :)

This is the best part of all... the Tunnel!
Here shark, there shark... everywhere shark, shark! :p

I love this... Check out the lights shining from above the water... beautiful, aint it?
Hubby got a good shot of a shark just under it! Great job dear! :)

Our one and only family photo in this outing!
Little Sarah seemed to enjoy this outing a lot... Check out the smile on her face! :)

Oooo... what's up there??? Soooo many big fake fishes!
Err... can i touch that fish, mummy?!
Little Sarah was again captivated by the fishes... hehe... was she trying to communicate with that BIG fish? :)

"Snakes" for sale!!!
Just before we leave aquaria, we "dropped by" the souvenir section... well, not drop by (we had to walk pass it to exit! :p)
Little Sarah is always curious to touch and feel the things around her.

After Aquaria, we went to San Francisco Steakhouse for dinner in KLCC.
Oh yah... it was also Halloween that day - thus, the pumpkin head on the table for decoration purpose! Candlelight dinner? Muahahahaa! :D
Salads as starters for hubby and I... and blue bear for little Sarah!

She was actually sooooo tired after the Aquaria visit, she slept for awhile before dinner.
The main course... hubby had chicken maryland and I had their homemade tagliatelle with prawns in aglio olio style! (Yes, i took a picture of the menu so that I could spell word for word of what I had! Hahaha! :D)

After the nap, little Sarah proceeded on with her main course... which was...
Rusks Biscuit! Kekeke...
Last but not least, we had "cake of the day" as dessert!

Just before leaving for home, we dropped by the fountain for a short while... just to introduce to our girl something different to look at. :)

We had a great time!
It was a great birthday celebration with hubby and little Sarah! Yes, it was the first time with girl-girl, and we really enjoyed the time spent together.
Thank U, dear, for a great celebration... for taking the day off from work to be with me (us) on this special day... :)

p/s - Most of the pictures above were taken by hubby... these are used with permission! :p


d'Lion said...

Happy birthday again, good to celebrate with the family.

I've been to the Langkawi underwater world, and I felt it was a big let down.

Maybe Aquaria would be better.

CHRIS ONG said...

nice pix wish i got photographer hubby to capture those nice memories... always good to spend quality time together, blessed b'lated bday!
oh ya and can somebody pls teach me how to picasa like that on mac??!!

Anonymous said...

So mesmirizing!!! Refreshing!! It's totally a celebration that wil bring u some cheers n joy jz thinkin bout it!
Kudos 2 Silas 4 v v gud shots!!! Ev'thin 'said' in thz shot journalin tels me aLL!!!
GOD's works r stil MOST amazin n breathtakin!!!
Truly it wuz a DAY, n many, many MORE DAYS 2 come, to treasure n thnk GOD 4 aLL HE has done n doin!!
SaRah lukked moRe contented...hahaha!!!!
I'm haPPy 2 c tht u guys had ech othr!!