Thursday, May 8, 2008

Daddy Silas at 7 weeks... (on being a DAD)

Tired... tired... tired...

He's exhausted... i know he is. He had to take mc yesterday because he had a slight fever and body aches due to over-exhaustion. He's such a dear husband and father. He's got a very great heart and his patience is an amazing trait... something that i must learn.

Before the birth of baby Sarah, Daddy Silas was fearful of carrying babies. "Too fragile...", he says. It's no surprise... Many men that i know would say the same thing. But from DAY 1 being a daddy, he overcame his fear and carried baby with much confidence! *Hip-hip-hurray!!!*
He has learned to carry her, change her diapers, feed&burp her, singing lullabies (hahaha!), etc... good 'ol daddy Silas!

But the one thing which i'd really like to appreciate him for is the night shifts of taking care of baby. We take turns during the night, ie a couple of hours me, a couple of hours him, etc... This is the one thing that is seriously hard to do as parents but we're doing it together and that makes it easier for me. "TWO ARE BETTER THAN ONE" (Ecclesiastes 4:9)

I was going through another battle with my emotions last night and couldnt take it when baby cried so much... like REALLY A LOT! With my stressful self, I went out to the living room and left baby with daddy (it was about 2am then). I took a pillow and covered my ears (yes... i actually did that... i was lacking "long-suffering"...)! About 5 minutes later, after getting back my cool, i went back to the bedroom and daddy was still carrying her. She was still in tears. We just didnt know what was wrong, but looking at her in tears was a sad thing. We really felt helpless. I fed her after that and put her to sleep.

At 7am, she cried to be fed again. I was happy that i thought we all had a good sleep from 2+ till 7am that morning. But what i didnt know was that Daddy sacrificed his sleep so that i would have more of it. At 3+, baby woke up and before she cry aloud again, Daddy brought her to the living room and carried her to sleep so that she wont wake me. She woke up a few times in between sleeps and that was the price Daddy paid for my comfort. Thank u, Daddy, for doing so much...

I know Daddy was also feeling helpless. So, we decided to bring baby to see her doctor tonight. We heard that there is a solution for colicky babies. Praying that things will work out fine...

Do pray for her too. Thank u, readers! God bless!


Anonymous said...

Ooo...Sarah hhas Daddy's eyes.

- Crystal

joshua said...


why is mommy speaking on behalf of daddy?


maybe he's not tired leh or feel helpless...


richrach said...

yeah... like daddy, like daughter! :p

yo jo! mummy n daddy are one! kakaka! so mummy knows exactly how daddy feels... ;o)