Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rest & Relax b4 Sleep! :)

Bedtime for Sarah & I is always something I look forward to. Besides the sleep & getting all charged-up for another new day, i always look forward to playing with her just before the sleep.

I always believe that putting a smile on our faces before sleeping will ensure us good rest and sweet dreams. Hehehe...

Hubby usually comes in about half an hour to an hour after us. So that would mean playtime for Sarah & I for at least 15-20 minutes before "cooling down period" and then sleep (unless it's really late, then we'll skip some stuff :p). Though it's a short time, personally I find it rather fulfilling as it is a bonding moment between mummy & child. It's TLC time... story-telling time (not mastering it yet :p)... then teaching her kissing & hugging & laughing... then a sing-a-long... then it's prayer time. Most times, it's just rest & relax. I will always encourage her to laugh & keep a smile on her face before she sleeps. She does the same to me when she just copies what I do and that literally makes me laugh so much that she laughs together too! :)

Well, when sleeping time is such a wonderful time, Sarah & I always look forward to it. Hmm... recalling back... no wonder Sarah cant wait to go up for bedtime almost every night. She loves walking up the stairs with me, waving and saying "Bai Bai" or "Nite Nite" to everyone downstairs. :)

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