Friday, May 22, 2009

Sarah got it from mummy... :(

Two days ago Sarah caught a slight cough and flu from mummy. She only managed to go to bed around 11+ (that's when we got back), but woke up at 2+ as she seemed to have difficulty breathing due to her blocked nose. She cried and tried to get back to sleep. Daddy got the nasal drop ready in his hands but Sarah kept moving her head, even with her eyes close. It was difficult for us to apply it to her nostrils to clear the blockage. Daddy then took vicks to apply to her chest, hoping that it would keep her comfortable. We carried her upright so that she could breathe better and eventually, she went back to her slumber.

Last night, she slept through the night till this morning, though we found out there is a slight nose block. Being in the same room and sleeping so close with sick mummy is no good for her. Pray that mummy and daughter will recover totally from this "package".


sMoochies said...

Oh dear. I know what it is like. Get well soon, both of u.

Tandanie said...

Ah... the spreading virus! You get it in the package... hehe... When Maximus got his eye infection the whole family got it too... see! It comes in a package

Jeslyn said...

Hey! Have you heard that some people say that by rubbing vicks on the sole of your feet and then wearing thick socks over them will help for those with flu... especially at night? You can try it.