Friday, May 8, 2009


Yes, i think for now, this is Sarah's favourite word!
It's not just her favourite word, but her favourite "toy"!

MIL brought out some pairs of cousin kor-kor Ivan's old sandals. Sarah's been quite possessive over them. Seemed like her treasured possession! She sometimes walk around the house with the sandals. Actually, she's getting pretty good at it! :p

Before this, she loves playing with MIL's house slippers. Even while shopping, she will say "shuu!" every time we pass by the shoe shop or shoe dept. Once in Tesco, i wanted to get her a pair of sandals. Hmm... no size for her, but she insisted of getting down from the shopping trolley to try on any shoe that she could get her hands on. It was rather difficult to distract her away from there. Oh boy... then again at home, if she's really "into IT", it is soooooo hard (she would sometimes yell & cry) to take it away from her so that I could continue on with wiping her and getting her ready for bedtime!

1 comment:

joshua said...

Adults are 'fascinated' by babies' fascination of almost everything!