Friday, July 3, 2009

Home --> Office...

Public transportation could be a total pain the butt, especially when you're living outside the city and working in the city (in Klang Valley). It is even worst when you are living about 40+ km away from your office, that even as you drive, you would definitely go through the stresses of traffic jam... IF you don't leave home early in the morning!

When hubby started his new job 3 weeks ago, which is nearer to home, that left me with the need to look for other means of transport to come to work in PJ.

I would like to personally thank Daniel, my new "drebar" for this 2 months as he is also working nearby... and staying somewhere nearby us too. That was option 1 and taking the public transport would be option 2. Either option, waking up early is a need, ie before the cock crows :p Hubby would also wake up early to send me to Daniel's house and we then carpool to PJ from there. We will also carpool back and hubby will meet me somewhere to pick me up and back to home we go.

Cant afford another car yet (also, don't intent to add more stress to road traffic at this moment!)... so yeah, that's my life right now... till end of August. I've got so much more to write about public transportation in Klang Valley! There's the good, the bad and the ugly... so stay tuned! :)

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