Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Converse shoes from Gwamma...

This post is dedicated to gwamma Stephanie! Gwamma & uncle just came back from Hong Kong and look what she got for Sarah!

It's a really pretty Converse shoes... I haven't seen one like tht here... or maybe i just didn't do much shopping for this as children's shoes are really expensive these days... Sarah has got "big" feet, or rather broad feet i'd say... At 14th months, she's already wearing size 5 shoes! She could wear size 4 but now, it seemed just fitting without the socks. This pair of shoes is about size 5-6... we foresee she's only able to wear it for another 3-4 months or at most 5 months... So, we will let Sarah wear it as often as she could to make it worthwhile - such pretty shoes! Sarah rocks! :)

Gwamma, thank you for such lovely gift for our little princess...


d'Lion said...

This shoe will be a conversEtion piece

stephanie kok said...

wuah! very happening show...cantik!