Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm exhausted... (2)

I guess there's just one word to describe me right here, right now.... EXHAUSTED!!!

Being in a state of exhaustion....

  1. The point of complete depletion; used up.
    • We worked the mine to exhaustion, there's nothing left to extract.
  2. Supreme tiredness; having exhausted energy.
    • I ran in the marathon to exhaustion, then I collapsed and had to be carried away.
Taken from

Sigh... some people say "it's part of the joy of motherhood"..?? hmmm.... i would say it's part of motherhood... but joy? not in this case... i just need to draw strength from the Lord... even working is not so fun anymore when you're exhausted. *sigh...*

p/s - I recalled having the same title in my previous post and did a "search my blog"... :p
Yeah, I recalled it right... Read previous post here.
Looks like you're reading from an exhausted mummy blogger who was exhausted then and exhausted now too! *boo hoo hoo*!!


CHRIS ONG said...

hey, u poor gets better with time, hang on....
you'll adjust and so will she... you'll see. But always tell yourself, this will not last forever and so enjoy every moment that she still needs you.... even if it is wiping up poo poo and vomit, when one day she tells you she loves you, it is all worth it...

joshua said...

maybe u're egg-hausted.

time for more eggs! 8D

richrach said...

Thx Chris. I know it's all worth it... Everyday just looking at her and holding her in my arms brings joy to me. Yes, the JOY of motherhood indeed! :)

Ah Jo... i do have about 2-3 egss a week! Enough? :p