Monday, October 6, 2008

[Knowledge: Baby] Playtime for Babies - Month 6

At week 21:
Let your baby practice rolling back and forth across paper or magazines - the crinkly noise will encourage him to roll more. (Don't use newsprint, as it could contain chemicals harmful to your baby.)

At week 22:
If your baby hasn't been spending time with other babies, now is a great time to form a playgroup with other parents and babies around the same age as yours. It doesn't need to be formal, but you should establish a regular meeting schedule - once a week or twice a month, for example.

Many playgroups meet in a nearby park during nice weather, then switch off hosting duties when the inclement weather hits. The time spent with other babies will allow your child the opportunity to work on her people skills. And your time with other parents can provide you with a sounding board for any, um, concerns you might have. Let the venting begin!

At week 23:
Take a splash with your baby this week. It's fun for both of you - and it's good exercise! The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you not begin formal swimming lessons until kids are at least four years old (that's the age children are thought to be "developmentally ready" for swim lessons), but that doesn't mean that babies can't be taught to enjoy being in the water.

At week 24:
Your baby is ready for a game of hide and seek. Hide a few of your baby's favorite toys inside an overturned basket or plastic bowl. At this stage, he can remember that the objects are present, even though he can't see them - provided you show him a few times where they are. Once he catches on, you might leave the objects hidden overnight to see if he discovers them the next day.

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