Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Eggs for Baby Food

Age for Introduction to Baby

8-10 Months - Egg Yolks Only
12 Months - Whole Eggs

The Goodness of Egg Yolks for your Baby

Of the mere 5 grams of fat in an egg yolk, only 1.5 grams (31%) are saturated fat. Monounsaturated fats total 1.9 grams (38%) and polyunsaturated0.68 grams (14%). The ratio of an egg’s fat content comes close to meeting the dietary proportions currently recommended as: -1/3 saturated, 1/3 monounsaturated and 1/3 polyunsaturated.

The egg yolk contains the following:

* all of an egg’s vitamin A, D, and E;
* almost all the vitamin B12, choline, folic acid and vitamin B3;
* 76% of the biotin,
* 73% of the inositol,
* 50% of the niacin,
* 93% of the vitamin B6,
* 42% of the riboflavin,
* 90% of the thiamin
* 44% of the protein
and substantial portions of the egg’s mineral content

Source: The American Egg Board

When can I introduce Eggs to my baby?

Most pediatric resources agree that egg yolks are fine for baby to eat when baby is around 8 months old. Please keep in mind that the egg whites should not be fed to baby before 1 year old. Eggs, particularly the egg whites, are one of the top 8 of all allergens. Many studies that have been done on infants with egg allergies find that by the time the infant has reached age 5, the allergy has been outgrown! This is good news as the egg is highly nutritious and an important part of ones diet!

If your family has a history of egg allergies, then it is probably best to wait until after 12 months old to introduce egg yolks.

Article taken from


Anonymous said...

that's my fav site! since i am always referring to wholesomebabyfood for info on baby food, my hubby actually calls it my online food bible! i mean it's cool when we give our baby a certain food and know it's exact nutritional value.
egg yolks are great for babies. also rach check out the info on avocados...apparently it's a superfood for babies. i have been giving mine avo since he was 5 months.

Anonymous said...

I only introduce egg white to Naomi lately due to her allergy.

Scrambled egg with mushroom is nice. heehee.

richrach said...

hey sheila, thx for visiting my site! m waiting for yours. hehe...

steff, jangan curi makan ur bb food ar! :p