Friday, September 5, 2008

Crocodile tears...

Baby Sarah has never liked sitting in the car seat since a little baby. She'll cry and I'll then carry her up, and she will just stop immediately. Sometimes, she behaved and sat in it for a long time... but most of the time, it needs mummy to distract her with funny faces, sounds, music, etc... If she's very very tired and not have the energy to cry her lungs out, she would just doze off in her seat. I was feeling kinda helpless. I was hoping that she will eventually get used to sitting in her car seat - mainly because of her own safety.

Last Sunday, I happened to be talking about this dilemma to a dear friend in church, and her advise was... "Keep on trying....". It would be difficult at the beginning, but i need to keep on trying. She may cry at first. Allow her to cry, but when it is too much, carry her up for a short while... sayang-sayang her... and put her back into her seat.

Then on Monday on the way to my in-law's place, hubby and I witness the first (distinct) crocodile tears of baby Sarah when we put her into her car seat! She was literally crying.. (or yelling) and with no tears! I followed the advise given... (Thanks Marilyn! :))... and it worked for a moment. She sat through the journey until about 5 minutes before we arrive to the house. She then cried again... this time, it sounded "real". Hehehe... We now can differentiate her cries between the "fake" one and the "real" one. So i carried her up. She was totally exhausted. It was already 11+pm then. It was her bedtime. She slept on my shoulder and when we reach the house, I put her down to sleep. She slept through until the next morning. :)

Well... at least I learn 2 things from here...

1) Never give up in trying to put baby into her car seat. She'll get adjusted to it someday. :)

2) Differentiate her cries! Now I know when to "discipline" her and when to "sayang" her... yes, even at this very young age! Babies are smart these days! ;o)


d'Lion said...

Don't let the croc bite

richrach said...

heh heh... now must get her a pair of crocs!