Tuesday, September 2, 2008

the Wedding: Terence & Amanda

While it was a trying time to keep Sarah from crying at home, it was even harder to do so when we were out in Palace Beach & Spa (The Mines Resort)... Nope, not for the beach (err... what beach??!), not for the spa either... 30th August 2008 marked the day of my best friend's wedding in the Mines Resort! :)


Terence was my good ol' buddy back in college. Four of us - namely Terence, Ian aka Moomoo, Nic & myself were "buddy buddy" in college and never stayed out of touch even after all of us began our own lives' journey. From just the four of us, we added our spouses (and spouses to be)... and now, we have little ones like baby Sarah... "Terence, we'll be waiting...! Heh heh..."

And a small world indeed... Amanda's a DEWCrew in DUMC church... She's a roamer! (If i'm not wrong la... :p) She does the roaming camera in her church... and just
somehow we got connected!

Groom (Terence) & best-man (Ian aka Moomoo) waiting for the arrival of the beautiful bride (Amanda) & bridesmaid (Suzanne aka Susu who is Moomoo's GF)

The moments... exchanging of vows
(Shots taken with Nikon D40x, but some with zoom lens Tamron 70-200mm f2.8 Makro...Great shots by hubby! It was taken from where we sat (about 12-15 rows from the stage!). Hubby didn't wanna "fight" with the official wedding photographers! Hahaha!

Unity candle-lighting & the pronouncement of Mr & Mrs Terence Wong!

And of course... not forgetting my little princess with Aunty Choon Ean.

At the end of the day (well... actually before the end of the day), we had to leave our friends and the Restaurant when the 4th dish came, because Sarah was getting very very very cranky. She kept crying and we kept needing to go in and out the restaurant to distract and to pacify her. We're really not sure what was the cause of her crankiness but she definitely didn't seem comfortable with the new surroundings + new uncles & aunties (many many many of them!) It was also a very long day for her as she didn't really get her afternoon naps + the heat in the ballroom may be another cause of her discomfort. Thank God she didn't have problem sleeping at night after all the happenings! *phew!*

It was also great to meet up with old college buddies after a long time! No pix of them though. We were just too busy trying to calm baby Sarah. All in all we thank God for a great day! :)


Anonymous said...

Life is never the same with a baby around, hor? I think by the time she's abt one year old, it'll be easier for everyone la. Hang on there. :)

d'Lion said...

Yes congratulations to Terence and Amanda.