When it's home sweet home for hubby and I, it seemed like a bitter home for baby Sarah. Sadly to say, she seemed a little upset (or confused, rather) when we're back in our home. She cried uncontrollably at times and it's definitely not because of colic. We find that she began to recognise places and people. To aid her in recognising her own home, for a start, I brought her around the house and began to introduce to her the different rooms in the house and telling her what they are used for - where she sleeps, where mummy and daddy sleeps, where mummy and daddy eats, and where she takes her bath, where mummy and daddy takes their bath, etc... She seemed OK after that, but we also discover that it is difficult to leave her alone, that is when either hubby or I is in the kitchen or the toilet or just away to take something from another room... She looked at us (pitifully... you know - can you imagine Shrek's cat?! Yep, that pitiful look!) and began crying... It was difficult for us at first... More so if I am alone at home with her. She will only "let me go" if she's totally distracted by her teething toys, but that is also only for a little while. *sigh*... At this stage, I cant deny it IS somewhat difficult and tiring for both hubby and I.
Poor Sarah... She cried so much until her voice sounds different. Another thing is she cries so much during diaper changing and after bath (while dressing her)... We just felt so helpless seeing her cry so much... She enjoys taking bath or getting her butt washed after her "big" business.... She'll smile happily whenever she is in touch with water, but after that, she will just cry her lungs out! Oh, Sarah girl... what happen to you? Why cry so much? So much until your voice change, and mummy and daddy here are feeling so helpless... :(
At this point, we know for sure that she is already used to her Yeh-yeh & Nai-nai's house, and also being surrounded by people (cousins Ivan & Reanne, Nai-nai, and sometimes Ee-Por) during day times and more people by evening and night. Coming back to our home may need some time for her to get adjusted with.
We do pray that baby Sarah will learn to cry less, learn to love her own home and be happy, learn to be a little bit more patient while dressing her and changing her diaper, learn to play on her own while mummy and daddy do some house chores and relax a lil too!
Get big pictures of the Kajang house, Ivan, Reanna, etc... and put it in SK home, see if that works :-D
Aiyo... she looked so "kasihan". Maybe playing peekaboo with her will help. You know... "you surprise her with your disappearance and reappearance." Just a suggestion.
dan.... /:)
jes, we did all kinds of thing: from playing peekaboo to making monkey faces to funny noises to err...err... all kinds lor... it worked for a while, but ultimately, she needed some time getting used to the environment. After Friday, she was much better.
ohh...so pitiful...
(what is the mummy doing that time??)
-Aunty da-
hey amanda.... shhhhh.... :p
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