Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A prayer of thanksgiving...

"Lord, we thank U.... thank U.... thank U...."

There was just so much to thank God for.... for every bit of blessing that He has given us.

It was 6.50am... Hubby and I were on our way to work as usual, but we started this day a little different. We spent a good 30 minutes prayer together - for our little princess, our families, our careers, our relationships - both with the Lord and together as a couple, our role as parents... Looking back, there are just so much to thank God for. God is truly amazing, and when He gives, He gives without ceasing. There are times when we complain about so many things... but yet, we forgot to look upon God and thank Him for His divine protection, His divine blessings - in finance, in health, in abundance of love and joy in our families.... and so much more.

God's blessing is overflowing... and it's without limit. But sometimes, it is we ourselves who limit Him in His giving. Have we been good stewards of what's laid on our table? Have we been faithful to Him when times are trying?

Lord, thank U for Your faithfulness... thank U for everything.

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