Thursday, September 4, 2008

[Knowledge: Baby] Playtime for Babies - Month 3

At week 9:
Let the toy obsession begin! You'll notice that your baby loves rattles and other toys. He is amazed by his ability to pick them up and he revels in their different textures and noises. Bear in mind that your baby will "taste" all toys, so make sure they're safe for him. Put him in the center of a blanket with a few choice toys he can grab and, watch him go to town!

At week 10:
Your baby will love to watch things move. Let her watch kids playing in the park, leaves falling from trees, cars whizzing by. Take a trip to the pet store and hold her in front of a fish tank. Watch her eyes move with every swish of a tail!

At week 11:
As you change your baby's clothes and diapers, you may notice his new delight in being naked. Why not give him some time to enjoy it? Let your baby play sans clothes - ah, the freedom! He will enjoy the feeling of different textures on his body. Of course, keep him warm and safe - try letting him play on a beach towel or cozy blanket in a sunny room, with you by his side on the floor.

At week 12:
Make 'em laugh! Your baby may begin to find great amusement in playing peek-a-boo. You can play it while changing her diaper, in line at the grocery store or down on the floor lying together on a blanket. Use your hands or a diaper to cover your face. Then uncover it and say, "peek-a-boo," smiling at your baby. Though it will still be several months before she initiates this game, she will find great joy now in watching you act so silly!

Taken from

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