Monday, September 1, 2008

Many Happy Returns, Dad (in law)! :)

Yes! Many happy returns to my father-in-law. He's such a great guy - a role model for husbands and daddies! Hehehe... why do i say that?

In many families, by culture, the women does the house chores and doing most of the "stuff" at home... while the men, who is the breadwinner of the family, do "less" at home because (perhaps) they are tired at work and just need some time off to rest and relax. Women are generally very understanding in this. (hahaha!) While that could be a culture practised by many (started many many many years ago), my father-in-law totally broke that culture and proved me wrong that MEN ACTUALLY DO HOUSECHORES when I first saw him doing them so naturally (back when I was still dating his son!). It's a WOW thing when I first witness this humble act. I was amazed by the values he held and the values he instilled in the lives of his 2 sons... :) Why so? I wasnt brought up in this kind of culture and seeing what I saw totally change my perspective about man & wife in marriage, fathers & children in family! Things are different now. The men in this new generation are housechores doers (hehe), but men in those days? Hmmm... hardly see one, right? Well... what can I say? THAT's my father-in-law! He made it easier for me too (Hehehe... now you know what kind of husband I'm married to! kekeke... :) God bless me!)

We had a simple cake-cutting session at home last Thursday. More stories in my bro-in-law's blog! :)

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